Page voters confused by recall election

By Bob Hembree
Posted 10/23/24

This year, the City of Page has a recall election on the ballot. Many are confused by it, in part because it’s new and part because of Facebook misinformation.

The Page Action Committee …

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Page voters confused by recall election


This year, the City of Page has a recall election on the ballot. Many are confused by it, in part because it’s new and part because of Facebook misinformation.

The Page Action Committee circulated a petition and initiated the recall of Councilors David Auge and Michael Farrow. In a recall election, elected councilors must run again to complete their terms. Individuals can compete to complete the councilors’ terms if they register with the county. This election, only Cory Ekstrand registered to challenge Councilor Auge. No one registered to challenge Councilor Farrow. The last day to register as a write-in candidate was Sept 26, 2024.

Councilor Farrow is on the ballot but has no challengers because no one registered as a candidate or write-in candidate to oppose him. All Farrow needs is one vote to retain his elected seat on Page City Council. Voters may show support by voting for him or they may choose to leave the circle blank. Write-ins won’t count.

The Chronicle spoke with Coconino County Elections Director Eslir Musta about the recall election. “There were no official write-in candidates for Councilor Farrow’s race,” said Musta. “If voters decide to write a candidate in the write-in line, those votes will not be counted. The write-in candidate is still required to follow the legal steps to be an official write-in candidate.”

One example of misinformation circulating is that voters can write in candidates who were eliminated in the Primary Election. They don’t qualify so won’t be counted. “If a candidate lost in the Primary Election, at least theoretically they could have filed as a write-in candidate for the Recall Election,” said Musta. “However, again no one filed as a write-in candidate.”

In short, if you support Councilor Auge, fill in the circle next to his name. If you support Auge’s challenger Cory Ekstrand, fill in the circle next to his name. If you support Councilor Farrow, fill in the circle next to his name. If you oppose Farrow, leave the circle blank.

Since there are no registered write-in candidates for the recall election, write-ins won’t be counted.